This is David Gilbert's personal home on the web. Here he shares random thoughts, and odd stuff.

Why does he write about himself in the third person? Who knows. Mainly to make sure Google finds it.

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He spent his formative years in Paddock Wood, Kent, and he holds a B.Sc. in Information Technology from Teesside University in the United Kingdom. He then left England, and went off to Kenya, to teach at Starehe Boys Center. He currently lives in the United States of America.

Home on the web

Head over to for a few random non-tech oriented musings an travel-related posts. You can also find my technology, programming, and geeky scribblings on And finally arty-type photographs over on, and in the real world at

Somewhat Social

You can find me in the following places on the web:

About this site

This site is built using a static site generator called Eleventy. It is delivered over HTTPS thanks to a free certificate from Let's Encrypt. It borrows heavily from work by hawksworx